Homework Writing

Writing week 2-3

Write a narrative describing what is happening to this little piglet.


  1. One day there was a little pig who lived at a farm. since he was born he had always liked adventuring and he longed to get out of his sty at the farm and go adventuring into the world outside the farm. so one day when he was out in the paddock he decided he would go to the beach. Even though he didn't know where to go he followed the road and began his journey. He thought to himself he would be back for dinner although he didn't know how far away the beach was. He was about to leave his farm when his mum started yelling to him so he thought he better tell her where he was going but he didn't want her telling anyone but he went back to the sty and sat down and said about where he was going and she insisted that she went with him so he let her come and then they set off but before they could some of the sheep started looking at them so they got a move on. When they got to the drive way he thought that they might need to dress for the beach so he said " we need to get some clothes so we blend in",
    " good idea". So they went back to the sty and started to make a plan to get some clothes but the only animals who had clothes were the humans and they are very hot tempered so they are not good to talk to so they would need to sneak into their cupboard. Once they got to the house they were lucky because the door was open so they crept inside and there were no humans in it so they went into the bedroom but when they went to put clothes on none of them fitted so they would have to find some different ones at the beach so they set off once again! They were back at the driveway when he saw a big metal box with a tail on it come into the driveway with a human in its belly and then stopped "run!" without hesitation he bolted onto the grass and into the bushes and close beside him was his mum then they carried on walking until they came to a place with soft grainy stuff and a huge pond of water his mum said it was the beach so he followed her down onto the soft stuff called sand and in the big pond there were theses humans on boards going along the water and he wanted to have a go so he went and pushed one into the water and sat on it and then got off and put some clothes on and then went onto the board again and started moving. When he came back to the sand they headed off back home and he thought to himself what an adventure was that!

  2. One day there was a farm and there lived a little piglet and was a playful piglet he loved his farm but he liked the lack more so one day he left the farm and went to the lack and he had a lot of fun and he love the soft and that was what he loved about it and then he got cold back to the farm the end.

  3. once there was a play and and they needed a pig and they try a kid but she brok her leg so they got a pig and the play was saved

    1. but then the pig got sick the ply was done for. what a not ever happy endding

  4. once opon a time there was pigglet and he sufing in a sufing copatisen and he won but when he was selbrting he broke his leg and arm

  5. MCKENZIE 🐢🐇🐰October 24, 2017 at 11:42 PM

    Once upon a time there was a pig at the farm that wished it could go surfing the pig his friend if he wanted to go surfing and his friend said sure I would like to go surfing they looked for a hole in the gate they found one they nearly forgot the surfboard so they had to go find one when they it they went back threw the gate when they go there his friend hoped on the surfboard and went surfing then it was my turn I hoped on and started surfing...THE END

  6. Once upon a time there was a little pig called Bob, Bob had a mind of his own either that or he was just quite a confused little pig. For an example when he was in the barn he would roll around on his back like he was in a muddy puddle. Bob was also quite hansom. One day Bob got taken from his paddock and put in the front seat of a large truck. He was taken to a huge building about twice the size of his barn at home. The lady driving took him out of the truck and into the building she put him in a paddock and then walked off. He heard her talking to a man they said they were going to make a TV show out of him. The next day he got taken out of his paddock again and put on a stage he was pretty exited. He saw a surf board and water squirting out toward it. It was just so tempting he ran to it and jumped on. As soon as he got on he felt like he was on a gymnastics floor and started doing hand stand and walk overs on the surf board. At that point they man and the lady decided to not just make a TV show out of him but a movie. They called the movie Bob the pig.

  7. There was a little pig called Tom. His parents told him that his life was going to be very dreary and the sooner he accepted that the happier he'd be. But Tom wanted to do bigger things so one night after a tea of sausages and mustard and pizza he snuck out when everyone was asleep. He then he got into a night bus that delivered food. Tom didn't know where the bus was going he started to get frightened and so he jumped out of the back and found a nice patch of grass to sleep on for the night and in the morning he found out he was on a beach he wen't to an old dump which was only two block away and he found a funny shaped board there he brought it back with him and saw lots of people there he looked at the waves and saw people on a board like he had found and then lots of kids made him flower necklace and tried hats and sunglasses then when it was getting dark he got onto the waves with his surfboard and road the waves.

  8. One day in the morning there was a pig at my door . I think that it lives at a farm . So I called it aleigh. I think why it at there's clouds she had a skirt on then she had sunglass on too and she had a flower necklace on too. The little pig had a surfboard too. Then the little pig went to the beach so I went with the little pig too. Then has Mum and Dad was there with her. Then there then they we home to the farm.....

  9. One day in the morning there was a pig at my door . I think that it lives at a farm . So I called it aleigh. I think why it at there's clouds she had a skirt on then she had sunglass on too and she had a flower necklace on too. The little pig had a surfboard too. Then the little pig went to the beach so I went with the little pig too. Then has Mum and Dad was there with her. Then there then they we home to the farm.....

  10. One day I was feeling bored so I went to a farm to check out the pigs. As I leaned over the wood to see them, I noticed that one little pig looked bored. I thought, I always wanted to have a pig, so why not buy it? I asked about buying it and I was allowed to. I bought the pig and took it home. I named her Penny. I built a pigpen for her, and cared for her. On one particular sunny day we went to the beach. I sat on the sand and watched the people surfing. I turned around to pat Penny but she wasn't there! I looked around and saw her trotting along the shore to the sea, grasping a surfboard in one of her front trotters. I yelled her name, but she could not hear me. I raced down the sand as quick as a cheetah, but she was already in the water and she was actually SURFING!!! I was so surprised! She was actually really talented. I could hear people cheering and clapping as Penny did a back flip and landed perfectly in a beautiful pirouette. She surfed for ages and showed off her spectacular tricks. Eventually she came out of the water. The spectators hung a flowery necklace around her wet neck, and congratulated her. When we managed to get away, we went home and fell quickly asleep after such a long day. A few weeks later, I learnt how to surf. I am not half as good as Penny, but we surf together while she pulls off some of her flips and cartwheels. Then we go home and fall straight to sleep!

  11. Friar Tuck (Ian Fryer)November 12, 2017 at 8:50 PM

    Its all staged you can see the fake background so they are doing a photo shoot for a movie for video.

    -Ian Fryer

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Friar Tuck (Ian Fryer)November 12, 2017 at 8:53 PM

      I meant
      Its all staged you can see the fake background so they are doing a photo shoot for a movie or video.

      -Ian Fryer

  12. i lost my pig i say to a stranger i show pitcher no sorry says the staranger.Time goes bye i find the staranger he ponts to the sea i look i rud my eyes thinking that i am day dreming and again no it cant be but it is say the man.i run to the sea i grab my pig and lhayghf with joy and meany more days go bye nothing happens intill now it all hapens her

    1. that was me but i didint write

  13. my pig is lost and i found it
